Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Baru rakyat tahu kenapa Ani Arope tinggalkan TNB

Monday, 06 June 2011 Super Admin

(Harakahdaily) - 15 tahun yang lalu, Tan Sri Ani Arope (gambar) mengejutkan seluruh negara dengan tindakan beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), akhirnya rakyat hari ini tahu bahawa peletakan jawatannya dilakukan demi menjaga kepentingan mereka, kata Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

“Ramai yang menganggap (pengunduran Ani) sebagai satu tindakan biasa seorang staf yang meletakkan jawatan, mungkin faktor umur atau prestasi kerja. Hari ini, kita tahu ianya adalah kerana sikap tegasnya dalam membantah perjanjian yang sangat tidak adil antara TNB dan IPP (pengeluar bebas kuasa elektrik),” kata Tuan Ibrahim dalam satu kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily hari ini.

Ani sebelum ini di laman Facebooknya menyelar tindakan kerajaan untuk menaikkan tarif elektrik baru-baru ini sebanyak 7 peratus 1 Jun yang lalu dengan mendakwa ia berpunca daripada perjanjian yang tidak adil dengan IPP dan TNB.

“Anda tidak perlu pergi ke sekolah bisnes yang canggih untuk memahami mengapa kita memerlukan peningkatan tarif – Cuma perlu tengok balik syarat-syarat yang diberikan kepada IPP.

Dengan fasal ambil-dan bayar, dan dengan 40 peratus rizab berlebihan yang kita ada hari ini, satu pihak hanya perlu menghasilkan setengah keupayaan pihak lain dan dibayar 80 sen dengan kapasiti dipersetujui.

“Bagus EPU — Unit Penyamun Ekonomi,” tulis beliau di laman Facebooknya minggu lalu.

Ani mencetuskan kontroversi 15 tahun yang lalu apabila beliau lebih rela melepaskan jawatan beliau daripada menandatangani perjanjian berat sebelah, yang melihat penciptaan generasi pertama IPP, seperti YTL Power Services, Powertek dan Malakoff semasa pentadbiran Mahathir.

Ani turut berkata TNB tidak boleh dipersalahkan atas hal ini kerana mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengawal harga yang perlu dibayar kepada IPP.

“TNB ialah budak belasahan. TNB tidak mempunyai kawalan harga yang ia perlu bayar kepada IPP. Pergi kepada punca masalahnya,” katanya.

Kata Tuan Ibrahim, yang juga merupakan bekas Naib Presiden PAS, apa yang dibimbangi Ani kini menjadi kenyataan apabila kerajaan Barisan Nasional berdolak-dalih untuk menyemak semula perjanjian dengan IPP yang sangat tidak adil walaupun didesak pelbagai pihak.

“Kerajaan tidak sanggup bertegas memotong subsidi sebanyak RM19 billion utk IPP berbanding tindakan mereka memotong subsidi ke atas keperluan rakyat.

"Hari ini rakyat merasa bangga di atas ketegasan Tan Sri Ani Arop menentang dasar yang tidak adil ini. Syabas dan tahniah di atas pengorbanan beliau dalam menentang kemungkaran ekonomi yang dibuat tangan Umno Barisan Nasional ini,” tambah Tuan Ibrahim.

Kerajaan Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) mengumumkan kenaikan tarif elektrik sebanyak tujuh peratus bermula Jun 1 itu adalah sebagai langkah mengurangkan subsidi yang dikatakan semakin menghauskan perbendaharaan negara ekoran keputusan kabinet untuk menaikkan harga gas asli kepada RM3 mmBtu setiap enam bulan, dari RM10.70 juta unit termal British (mmBTU) kepada RM13.70 mmBTU sehingga mencapai paras pasaran menjelang 2016.

Comments (10)

written by IbnAbdHalim, June 07, 2011 15:39:28
Damn the Keralaman. If Islam permits perhaps thousands with pee on his grave when he kicks the bucket.

written by me_in, June 07, 2011 12:54:55
Hi Boss TanSri,

I was a staff of LLN/TNB for 27 years.
We have high respect for you.
There was no way for you to remain in TNB,pressure
from Mahathir was too great.
I hope the truth will prevail if the agreement with IPP is made public.
May God bless you and your family.

TNB Staff No. 2***1

written by Concerned_Citizen, June 07, 2011 10:38:38
It's the never ending Mamak story again..... How many deals that he actually had involved when he was still in the office?

-stupid proton
-shitty iwk
-bank negara/ bumiputra commerce billion scandal
-putrajaya scandal
- what else???

written by Fart Fart Wah, June 07, 2011 08:42:45
I have been telling the Malays that the Interlok Kerala Pariah dog sewer hand mamak..has messed up the whole of Malaysia's wealth. Our Mother Malaysia was very rich..now she has been raped by her traitor son's who have taken much of the wealth for themsleves leaving other children of hers with nothing. Until today he has not answered critics for about US 800 billion oil money disappearence. And with all this new revelations it confirms that he started the ball rolling for UMNOBIGDOGS to plunder our mother to bankruptcy...the bloody dog should be electrocuted with TNB power line..

written by JIVJAGO, June 07, 2011 07:46:04
Melepaskan jawatan was the easy way out...he should have stayed and fight for wat is right and not chicken-out..there is no point lamenting,crying wolf now after so many years.

Ketuanan melayu should have been demonstrated when situation demands for it barulah gua caya sama lu.

Come-on my malay brothers only u guys can change these screwed-up BN government.

written by malaysianforever, June 07, 2011 06:21:58
Tan Sri Ani has the rakyat at heart, but Mamak Kutty aka Shitty is for the IPP. We are paying for his sins.

written by truthbespoken, June 07, 2011 01:06:42
Tan Sri Ani Arope is one person for the peoples' interest. The Mamak PM, Mahakutty is one for UMNO's cronies and family interest. This is a case where a public servant's integrity was clearly higher than that of the Mamak PM. Soon, many more similar irregularities committed by the Mamak PM, like those one-sided toll agreements, wrongful expending of Petronas revenues, etc, shall float into the open to haunt him if he lives long enough.

Besides Tan Sri Ani Arope, more principled VIPs involved should stand out and be counted. The good people should come forward and reveal the truth on each case and help fellow Malaysians put the past behind them. Help Malaysians move forward without the dark shadows and baggages. That Mamak PM, if found answerable, must be held accountable on all counts of promoting cronyism, corruption and racial disharmony in this country! If UMNO is still scared of the Mamak PM and won't do it, that's another good reason to vote them out! Let PR do it!

written by eloofk, June 07, 2011 00:42:27
I'm going to say this one more time.

The whole nation has been held ransom by the Mamak King and the IPP Licence holders!!!

written by uxzee, June 06, 2011 23:32:18
By refusing to sign the IPP agreement and resigning instead, Tan Sri Ani Arope would have lost a tremendous amount of potential benefits. He also got the guts to snub Dr M.

It is definitely becoming extremely difficult to find such breed of human beings these days.

written by doitanyway, June 06, 2011 23:00:55
Tan Sri Ani, you have earned the rakyats' deepest respect and you are one of the rare breed of leaders ! Can't say very much of the rest though !

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Gambar Mekah terkini
Posted on Tuesday, November 09 @ 21:11:14 PST
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu

Luar Negara Oleh: blalang

"Gambar Mekah terkini pada musim haji 2010. Sungguh bertuah kepada mereka yang dijemput Allah menjadi tetamuNya.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hard questions for religion to answer

Friday, 06 November 2009 21:09

Religion and science have always been at odds with each other. Religion says science can't prove that God does not exist. Science says religion can't prove that God does. Another thing that science and religion can't agree on is the age of mother earth. Let us see what both religion and science have to argue about the matter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Archbishop James Ussher of Armagh, Ireland, attempted to find the age of the earth by following the chronological genealogies in the scriptures. His erroneous calculations greatly influenced Christians of his day. For example, he calculated 1 BC to 1 AD, by counting the year zero. The problem was, there is no year zero. In other words, if an event occurs in 1 BC, and lasts to 1 AD, this is only 1 year. So, in order to get an accurate count when crossing the year zero, we must always adjust for this. Archbishop Ussher did not, and this threw his whole calendar off. One might charitably say that this was an easy mistake to make, nevertheless it also illustrates the carelessness with which he made decisions concerning numbers.

Many Christians of his day quickly accepted his date of creation as 4004 BC, and unfortunately it was placed within the margin of the King James Bible as a reference. This action immediately gave it a certain credibility, authority, and widespread appeal to the public. However, it was in no way a legitimate study of the age of the earth.

The Jews have another calculation. 30 September 2008 through 18 September 2009 corresponded to Hebrew year 5769 while the Hebrew year 5770 began at sundown on the evening of 18 September 2009 and will end on 8 September 2010.

The year 5770 on the Jewish calendar represents the number of years since God created the world, as calculated by adding up the ages of people in the Bible back to the time of creation. However, it is important to note that this date is not necessarily supposed to represent a scientific fact.

So there you have it. The world is only 5,770 years old according to the Jews. Some believe it is 10,000 years old. Going by the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, though, the world was created on 11013 BC. That makes the world 13,022 years old according to some Christians.

The scientists say the world is billions of years old.

Who is correct? Religion or science?

written by eagle22, November 06, 2009 21:49:53



this is great, take a break.
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written by Watchdog, November 06, 2009 21:52:27

Mahathir will have his answer which he will claim is right.
Samy will have his 'act of God; answer
Toyol will say his dukuns in Indonesia have the answer
The Pirate of Pangkor will look up the Hindu almanac and keep quiet about where he got his answer
Ghani Ptui el will look to Najib for the answer
Najib will check the Mongolian calendar
Hassan Ali will cross over to Sadao in Thailand to get some answer ( and get inspiration with perspiration)

And I dont give a shit how old the planet is because it is not going to make Malaysia any better knowing it!!!!!!!!!!
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written by quietguy, November 06, 2009 21:58:43

RPK, you claim to compare religion with science, but you only mention Christianity and Judaism. Not all religions make such nonsensical claims.
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written by tom73my, November 06, 2009 22:29:41

Ricky Gervais speaks about animal and bible. Funny but worth having a thought about religion. Have a good weekend!

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written by Wudan, November 06, 2009 22:39:23

Thanks RPK, now I know how to answer my nephew when he asked why dinosaurs are not mentioned in the bible and especially none are found in Noah's Ark.
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written by CatV5, November 06, 2009 22:46:34

Here's some interesting stuff to ponder

2 billion years for life
6 million years for hominid
100,000 years for mankind as we know it
10,000 years agriculture
400 years scientific revolution
150 years industrial revolution
50 year information age?
10 year?
1 year?
1 day?
neo human? homo spiritus? We're all dead?


we're seeing an acceleration of evolution here guys... don't be stuck on the old paradigm... like it or not the evolution wave is coming...

Those who still hold to the old belief let them go... forget those baggage... let's embrace a new thinking. Discover new possibilities...
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written by cylee, November 06, 2009 22:48:20

This is my hard questions to those Muslim Hypocrite too...
"Oih...Mohamed Khusrin Munawi.. apakah mak engkau takda rahim ke? kamu ni lahir kedunia ni dari lubang mana? kalau bukan rahim? ka.. kamu keluar dari lubang najis mak kau? patutlah.. mulut dan otak kau ni busuk lagi tak guna macam najis.
kalau lah kamu tak hormat mak engkau, janganlah sampai perempuan sedunia kamu hina. U tahu tak Rahim tu adalah lubang yang paling suci? Tempat ni selain bagi kamu shok tak habis, ia juga adalah pintu untuk semua umat manusia langkah masuk ke dunia ni,.. termasuk Propet Mohamed.
Oi si KJ ketua pemuda UMNO apa kata kamu ...? adakah kamu pun setuju dengan si Khusdis ni? Janganlah hanya tahu nak shyok dengan lubang rahim tu saja... bila sebulan sekali ia datang kitaran haid, kamu tuduh rahim tu kotor pulak.. cuma kerana waktu 7 hari tu you tak boleh shyok..?? Hamsap betullah pemuda umno dan Hipokrit pengarah JAIS in.. bertauliah kunon??? Dan bagi maklumat kamu..stiap masa ada bejuta wanita yang sengsara kerana kitaran haid yang tak teratur atau tak datang haid langsung?? Adakah kamu ni nak disumpah semua kerabat wanita keluarga kamu akan tak ada kitaran haid?? memandangkan kamu ni adalah begitu hina bagi perkara ni..Buat malu umat islam sahaja. Ajaran sesat umno apa ni..? yang dia ni ikut?
Jangan lupa Tuhan sentiasa tahu apa yang kamu niat dalam hati.. dan Tuhan adalah paling murka mereka yang berlagak atas namaNya"
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written by SocratesI, November 06, 2009 22:57:40

This is quite simple to understand. The Age of the present day Civilization is as old as anyone can remember from the ancient records, maybe up to 13,000 years old. However, there may have been many cycles of Civilizations each having been wiped out by some global catastrophe, switching over of the North & South poles, meteors/ asteroids hitting the Earth, shifting of the Earth's axis (The Artic & Antartic used to be at the Equator, and will be again someday), extra strong solar winds from the Sun, extra strong Cosmic winds once the Sun aligns with the Earth and the Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, (2012 - this is due to happen), super-volcanoes, etc.

Science meanwhile, is measuring with carbon-dating and other methods, the age of the planet Earth, and that is millions of years. After all, now that we can see almost to the centre of our Universe, we can see the moment of the Big Bang and the Universe is 13.4 Billion years old according to the light years calculated.

So where religion is talking about Civilization, science is talking about the Age of the Earth. Of course we get different results !
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written by miwaki, November 06, 2009 23:03:09

By the way,when was God created ?
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written by Proarte, November 06, 2009 23:05:46

Actually it is not true that Judaism and Christianity mention the age of the earth. The age is based on speculation and ones man guess is good as another.

Was Adam created by God as a infant? Who clothed and breast fed infant Adam? In the Bible it describes Adam as a grown man when he was 1st created. He may have 'lived' 930 years on earth but how old was he when he was 'created'? He could have been 4 billion years old!!

The apostle Peter wrote: “ do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:.

One can conclude from that statement that God is outside time.
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written by Oscar Winner, November 06, 2009 23:40:40

Till God appears in front of me or gives me some signs, I will not accept whatever that has been said about when earth was created, which religion is great, right or wrong. Damn, I do good as much as I can. If that still leads me to hell, so be it. Like TDM's famous line...."Has anyone from Pas gone to heaven and come back to tell you that you will go to heaven if you join Pas??" Damn...!!! How old is planet earth?? UMNO has the answer. They are god, aren't they??
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written by truthbespoken, November 06, 2009 23:51:34

Thanks eagle22. I enjoyed your u-tube posting tremendously. Hahahahahahahahahaha!
George Carlin is both a funny and intelligent old comedian. Experience and good sense is certainly reflected from what he said.. take a break guys..hahahahahaha!
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written by Umar Rentaka, November 07, 2009 00:27:47

Seeesh..... The Srimad Bhagavatam says the universe is more than 150 trillion years old.
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written by Steven Ong, November 07, 2009 00:30:38

Its only the opinions of man. As God created all things , then science is from God. And many things are yet to be discovered . What we knew today looks like a grain of sand on the beach and yet we dare to say that God does not exist? Those who asked.' Who created God?' seems to forget the the hairs on his head ( if he has any ) Because he think, so he asked what is logical to him. Had he understand all things? Nay.... not even more than a grain of sand on the beach. Somehow some think that God is like us, because we read that we are made in the image of God?
If one were to look around him carefully , one would see the perfection of all things and be amazed or should one take things for granted?
A buddhist does not care where things come from but where he wants to go. A Hindu thinks the same way and just live his life. Is that all there is? A scientist lives to discover all that are to be discover. Dose he cares who made them? Nay...... Science is branch of learning from what we observed and applied it for our use. Science is not to prove what is true or false but to learn what there is.
Whereas religion is a way of life to guide us as we exist. God has nothing to do with religion or science. One can live without any religion but not science. For science is part of life or else nothing exist.
Yet one can be one with God when he chooses to be. Or dead if he chooses not to be. The choice is yours.

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written by johnT, November 07, 2009 01:24:41

This might be an intresting answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...PL&index=1
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written by CatV5, November 07, 2009 01:38:29

We have these wide range of instincts...

Scientist fully utilizing these instincts...

Religionist mostly fully utilizing these...

Materialist fully utilizing these instincts...

The most ancient mammalian instincts. Almost all of us who doesn't care much about all of those above utilizing these strongly...

So you see everybody have their most highest inner instincts... I would concur nobody is right or wrong. It's just that they didn't realize their most dominant instincts taking over their conscious...

And it is their right for fully utilizing them... and their responsibility to face the consequences....
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written by CatV5, November 07, 2009 01:52:23

Sorry should've explain a bit more..

for the religionist, that includes Patriots, and Racist, terorist.. same behavior different objectives and different degree of action...

Materialist includes politicians, businessman, capitalist, monarchs etc.. rich people have these... we know how they behave...

Scientists also includes explorers, nature lovers, mathematicians, inventors, artist and what not... these guys are junkies when it comes to knowledge.. mat rempits and drug addicts are also in these categories... they are so passionate they sometimes got trapped and don't care about their life...
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written by malaysiaunited, November 07, 2009 02:02:54

Mapillai Petra! My advice to u is don't let inner thoughts be so explicit! You r already half politician with the amount of proposals as NEXT LEADER!
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 04:24:14

The bibles were written from the year 700 BC to 76 AD. We had those from the day of Judaism to Christianity. You can't expect the writers or recorders to understand science. Archbishop James Ushher was not a scientist or astronomer either. So there is no surprise that his assumptions were flawed.
All religions better confine what they can do best and avoid clashes with the scientists. Go and preach salvation to those who lost direction as teaching them science won't make any difference anyway.
This world consists of the intelligent and the dumb. But there are theologians and clerics who think they are scientists. And when they opened their mouths you will see where this stupidity came from.
But I cannot end this contribution without implicating those who capitalise on people who are hungry of spiritual and religious need. Just like the many rulers in history using religion to mainatain loyalty and submissiveness, UMNO/BN is famous and even notoriously surpassing the Pharoahs of Egypt.
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written by KotaDamansara73, November 07, 2009 09:15:39

Basically RPK is a moderate and partially progressive muslim but pro Shariah law man.

Is Shariah law were to be implemented in Malaysia, no matter how good they said shariah law is, you will see an increase in emigration and money out of this country.

I will never recommend any Malaysia to stay in Malaysia if Shariah law is implemented.
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written by jaz, November 07, 2009 09:19:04

Wudan, the ark is not big enough to accommodate 1 dinosaur, not not mention all of them. Hahaha.
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written by cruzeiro, November 07, 2009 09:19:28

Nobody can prove the age of the earth - at best, they can hypothesize.
While many creationists seek to interpret the scriptures literally, it can only be understood should they take it as an allegory. Same goes with prophecies -you can mouth them as simply beautiful words, or look for the message between the lines".
It is like reading Lord of the Rings or Narnia - you can see them as allegories (as you should), or simply a fantasy with a good storyline.

Let me ask a simple question - do you think barbarians at the time of Abraham or Moses would've understood (or even be able to fathom) a million years? Do you think Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) meant everything he said literally? No.
They needed to say things in such a way that the people would understand.
Much like how we teach "rocket science" to school children......

So let us not belittle the scriptures written by the inspired men of old, eh? If not for anything else, let us not have another round of "insulting Islam" (or Christianity, for that matter) case on our hands, with a report made by the man with 2 Muhammads to his name
By the way, where is this fella now - very quiet these days, ain't he?
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written by jaz, November 07, 2009 09:20:03

There are many contradictions and hypocrisy in the holy books.
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written by cruzeiro, November 07, 2009 09:45:30

Oh yes - good to know that you're having a good time visiting museums
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written by DontPlayGod, November 07, 2009 09:52:46

How come people still believe in the Adam and Eve fairy tale? If we are all descendents of this couple, then the world will have only one race, and not only that, the human race spread because the children of Adam and Eve committed incest!

Yet science says that more than a hundred million years ago, if we believe in creation, God first created the dinausors, etc. Did he create human beings at that time, too?(more than a hundred million years ago). But our written history of human civilizations date back to only a few thousand years. Adam and Eve must have arrived only say more than 10,000 years or so ago. And how did the scriptures know and write about these two people? Remember the primitive peoples of old lived in caves and in the jungles, and even on trees, without any knowledge of even speech and a written language. Even now there are some peoples in some remote jungle areas who do not have a written language and still live a primitive lives.

Are we to understand, if science is right, i.e. that the dinausors, etc. were created by God more than a hundred million years ago before he even thought of creating human beings. Perhaps, he created the human race as a afterthought. And that too, more than a hundred million years later, after the Jurassic age.

And this is the reason I've always urged people to have an open mind on religions, read and learn(don't limit your reading to only the Koran, read scriptures of other religions). Read all types of books, articles, and writings of expert scientists, etc. And don't become a Taliban or Islamist(beliving in an Islamic state). Yes, keep an open mind and listen and read up on any subjects to learn. Don't be like Jais, etc.
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written by temenggong, November 07, 2009 10:11:12

The Hindu puranas says this current creation is 4.32 billion years old, and that is one manvantara. There are a hundred such manvantaras after which there is Dissolution.

Dinosaur bones have been carbon dated to be 200 million years old. The earliest hominids have been carbon dated to be 4 million years old.

Man has been around for millions of years! So there is no question on science or religion. Religious theories on humans is legends and supersitions based on ignorance or limited knowledge.
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written by cruzeiro, November 07, 2009 10:11:25

Perhaps, he created the human race as a afterthought ....

LOL- Yeah man, maybe it was a plan B after all!!!
But then again, you could always say that "God had a plan" ... a grand design of sorts, and man was just a small part of it - which men in their conceit, think is the crowning glory of "creation" itself!!
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written by eeyaw, November 07, 2009 10:11:37

Pete,nice walk through on a controversial subject but I would assume that GOD creates Religion and gifted humanity with the knowledge of science, the former is based on faith while the latter is through a logical deduction or plainly facts. So I am of the opinion that only GOD knows how old is Earth and when it will end. Everything else is hearsay not to mention what umno & its cohorts claim to know .
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written by cheemengwong, November 07, 2009 11:01:54

A prophetic year would be equal to a thousand years on earth.

God created man on the 6th day and rested on the 7th, therefore earth was around 6,000 years before Adam came around.

The earth would be more than 13,000 years!

But who cares? We only live 3 scores 10. Better spend the time praising and worshipping God correctly, otherwise we shall become another misguided Major Nidah Hassan of Ford Hood army base!

Misguided, misdirected is very serious matter. Everybody is misguided sometimes or another but our compass must be correct one. Which compass? Choose nicely.

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written by myke, November 07, 2009 11:03:37

If u follow science(evolution) then u know religions are bullshits, if you follow religion then u keep your eyes and ears closed to scientific facts.

Do you know of any religious conutry that advanced scientifically.?
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written by johanssm, November 07, 2009 11:26:49

Religion alone cannot provide all the answers as that is not the intention.
Otherwise it will not purposely state the word wisdom and to learn things.
None of the books stated the real age of earth / world or universe
However adam and eve were mentioned .
Maybe as modern day human form as we see today.
We know we are not from adam .
But the story must start from somewhere easily absorb by the commons.
Religion can be only be use as a guide to face daily life and to make life more meaningful instead of more difficult.
It was those people who thinks that they knew more and starts adding more and more things .
Just like those from jais .
Adding more and more things until out of control.

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written by bobdylan, November 07, 2009 11:41:22

God is Dead-Neitzche
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written by bobdylan, November 07, 2009 11:41:53

Neitzcshe is Dead - God
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written by bobdylan, November 07, 2009 11:55:31

Jewish rabbi's say that the first man Adam was gifted with a soul and thus making him the first man, the rest before him were souless, kinda like zombies. Which kinda explains why the 'new man" wiped out the neandthrals and cro magnons. But the idea of a soul dates back millions of years according to history. interesting! God can explain science but science cant explain God. Science is very new, at one end of the spectrum, slowly progressing to the other end where science will meet God and reconsile. When it comes to sprituality, science is dumb founded, it all of a sudden doesn't make sense, thus science denies that Ghost exist. Only God can explain this. Anyway He is a Omniscient and we will never be able to understand Him, not in this life. I quote the Bible....With God nothing is impossible....even the earth's rotation can change at His will. TQ.
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written by gorshan, November 07, 2009 12:12:09

you're here. isnt that proof enough of God, your Creator?

ask yourself this simple questions.
the dust,the men that cames from the dust,the rocks,plants,trees,air,water,earth,sun,stars. where did it comes from?

did something out of nothing just decides to comes into existence, just like that,with a flick of the fingers?

go in a straight line in space.will you ever reach the end? just thinking this one scenario can you makes you go mad.


a arrogant man of science came face to face with God and says to God "what so great you can create men from clay. so can i. see this lump of clay in my hand? i, too will make a breathing man out of it"

and God said "go ahead, but first create your own clay"
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written by advocatusdiaboli, November 07, 2009 12:31:50

Whyla? U fellas all worried about year 2012 is it? . Lets all go watch the movie shall we?
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written by batsman, November 07, 2009 12:46:02

Does it come as any surprise that the scientists themselves cannot agree on the date of the Big Bang? Some say 30 billions years, some say longer - more like 35 billion. Some even don't agree with the Big Bang theory. Others find it difficult to explain why almost all the laws of physics were broken at the instant of the Big Bang. Common guys! Stop worshiping science! You are fed a load of hogwash and you say it is the god given truth. heeheehee
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written by Mirage, November 07, 2009 13:19:33


Whatever the age of earth is, how evolution worked, science or religion has not change the human behaviour of selfishness, and greed neither have we learned from it. While most of us are god fearing ppl, some are using religion for their purposeful gain and when it suites them. Similarly with science, again the use for their own purposeful gain with high tech weapons which eventually determines who is the head of the world.
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written by JJFoo, November 07, 2009 13:30:46

Come-on RPK,

Look for facts, go to the scientists (may not be 100% correct but close). Look for fairy tales go to religious texts. The people of the book aren’t totally at fault as they don’t have the luxury of the scientific facts thousands of years back then. They can only guess and accept what is within their understanding.

If you have a chance of lighting up a lighter in front of a community of early primitive humanoid, I am sure among them there will be a few smart suckers who will call you “GOD” and the rest will have no choice but agree. The few who proclaimed you as god will fright to be your representative or folower as it will come with power over the others and will try their best to glorify you beyond believe just to stay powerfully relevant.

If God really created the Garden of Eden for mankind, then god started his handiworks billions of years ago (earth is about 5 billion years old according to acceptable scientific facts). Earliest modern human written history recorded are about 5,000 years ago and we were taught in school in the 70’s that civilisation started 5,000 years back then, craps! Let presume modern human become “civilised” about 50,000 years ago, against a back span of 5 billion years, mathematically is about 0.001% of the total time God spent on his handiworks. Do you really think mankind of this moment in time could comprehend what “GOD” is really about?

Is it some suckers who wanted to act like God, forbidding everything incomprehensible to their narrow minded mentality in the name God and worst of all, killing in the name of God. Telling everybody what’s God are like or should be like.

God if exist, is sure a sucker, who seems to work in a very mysterious way. Many human thought they are God just because they could count or maybe count better than other. We are worst of than primate trying to figure out how a lighter works when God are concerned. Maybe that’s how God prefer thing to be.

When my daughter was six years old year when she asked “God created man, who created God?” Wanted to answer her “man himself”, it is only the Gods others peoples thought they knew and wanted us to know. Might be too complicated for her, or maybe not but I chooses to hold my tongue, I am still contemplating whether to speak my mind on this matter to her (she is now eight).

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written by temenggong, November 07, 2009 13:42:01

Hominids and chimpanzees diverged from each other 6 to 8 million years ago. Neanderthals and humans split from a common ancestor hominids around 660,000 years ago. Neanderthals became extinct just 14,000 years ago. DNA studies have shown the exoduc out of africa from 140,000 in three waves. The irrefutable evidence is already there.

We are essentially monkeys!

Religious believers should get over it, that they have been very wrong insofar as creation, human evolution and history. They just didn't have the information before. We can say that religions have been a monumental failure in recording human history, it being nothing more than a collection of legends, tales and wishful thinking. Lots of religious ideas collapse with this.
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written by lynn, November 07, 2009 13:53:39

RPK. this is a fairly mild piece. Most readers don't realise yr msg: you play carrom, you hit the red one so that it would bounce off to hit black & white ones. Bingo. Both went into the hole.

As for god's existence, it is a man-made creation. God must appear now, today, this minute to confirm his presence. Such a simple request, he cannot even entertain. But we all know abt the sun, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Self-evident. No religious crazies on this earth ever dare to go around & tell people, you must believe in the sun's existence! Because the sun's existence is easily provable.

But god, almighty... cannot be proven but have to be accepted via 'faith' - that's how religions are founded - on the unprovable. Personally, I find some religions are like a big con game. You MUST believe in God to go to heaven. You MUST not question the existence of God. You MUST swallow what they tell you whole. You MUST not ask any questions. Just submit. Yeh, some fcuking xtians tried to convert me, told me to submit. Submissive. Be Obedient. Just Follow Blindly. Yeh right!
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written by lynn, November 07, 2009 13:58:20

Recently I recd a booklet fr a xtian. Inside was this message,"God feels your pain". It instantly reminded me of what Pak Lah said to zombies in bodohland after the disastrous outcome of GE12 for BN, "we hear you". He heard us? He sounded like the priest who said 'god hears us, feels our pain'. It's just bloody empty rhetoric. It's farting via the facial edifice.
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written by umstudent, November 07, 2009 14:08:38

Uncle Pete, have you read the book "The Quran Unchallengeable Miracle"? If you don't, you can read it here. That is if you're interested of course.
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written by Super Admin, November 07, 2009 14:18:41

Dear umstudent, have you seen the series of VCDs/DVDs in English and Malay by Harun Yahya which I produced?
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written by umstudent, November 07, 2009 14:42:54

Series of VCDs/Dvds by Harun Yahya?
The dvd/vcd not. As for the guy himself, I've read a few of his article in his website. But since he actually belief in imam Mahdi and second coming of Jesus, which I didn't agree with, I don't explore much about his work. Have seen his book in library refuting Darwin theory of evolution, but since I haven't read about Darwin's theory yet, I guest I'll read it some other time, God willing.
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written by siewchinteo, November 07, 2009 15:17:24

Thanks for the laugh Eagle22

So now that we know how old earth is, give or take a couple of million years, will it die soon?
and i mean a natural death and not murdered.....
by MAN.
speaking of which, how old is mankind?
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 15:42:26


I think you are a lot confused. Scientists did not say that God created the dinasaurs hundreds over million years ago. Scientists said that all living things evolved without a creator. Before the dinasaurs there were trillions and trillions of species including plants colonised the earth. The earth is more than 3 billion yrs old and how do we know? Read things on paleanthology, geomophology and natural sciences. You are eons behind modern knowledge my dear friend.
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 16:01:32


You are too slow in pursuing knowledge. I don't think reading Darwin's book will make any change to you. You should have strong knowledge on bilology to understand Darwin and you should have read it during your secondary education.

If you happen to grab and read his books always remember that he propounded the theory not based on opinion but supported by his findings on the diversification of species and how isolation has evolved them to acquire specific characteristics. The study of evolution doesn't stop with Darwin but modern scientific knowledge has progressed fo far that reading his book can be a good start but can be a bad approach. All depend on you to pursue knowledge and not reading articles which disputed the theory and you end up confused or reject the theory for reasons I found very very stupid.
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 16:12:19


I think you are reading too much books that lack credibility. Concentrate on New Scientist, Nat Geographic or even the Times or Newsweek. All credible scientists agree that a big bang has occured as the traces of the explosive event are still being received. You are right that all atoms and molecules behavior defied modern physics during its initial stage milliseconds before expanding in massive explosion and expansion. That scientist cannot create the situation in the laboratory as the temperature and pressure is near finitesimal. How many years ago tjat big bang took place is simple that we thought it was 20 billions but new findings suggest that it is even more than that.
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written by bobdylan, November 07, 2009 16:12:39

Dear Melly,

Cain and Abel married their own sisters. The bible that you read has ommited many books like the book of Enoch and The life of Adam.(refer to wikipedia on Adam) Also Adam's life overlapped until before the Flood which could explain the other people. Anyway, Adam was the 1st homosapien.....so the others on earth could have been ...example homoerectus. I mean they ve found "Lucy" dating back about 30000 years ago. Adam is only 6000 years according to reliogionist. See science is explaining about God's creation.
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written by umstudent, November 07, 2009 16:25:56

Dear Rohani Hitam.
Sorry if it bother you I'm too slow in pursuing knowledge, but I didn't take biology so I guest maybe that's why I haven't read about his work yet. Beside, maybe because I'm only in my 3rd year of my undergraduate engineering courses contribute to me not knowing enough about this theory of evolution. But hey, people can come out with thousand of excuses, right? Sorry again if it bother you.

As for the Harun Yahya, the article from him that I've read is not about how he refuted the Darwin theory, but article about the Mahdi and second coming of Jesus which I didn't agree and most of it based on conjencture and made up stories. That made me less interested in his work.
And for once, where did you find I've said I've rejected Darwin theory of evolution? I only said I didn't read his book yet, therefore I didn't read the book that want to prove his theory is wrong. What's wrong with that?
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 16:29:44


You got trouble in understanding human evolution. Don't try to connect homo erectus with the bible. They are two separate doctrine. Lucy's ancestors also evolved from the earlier homonid and in no way at any time Lucy or her descendants for that matter has evolved to become Adam. Scientists say that we evolved away from the other apes some 8 million years ago. The other apes evolved too but remain much of their characteristics as the natural selection revolved around them living in the jungle or trees. Some came down to earth occasionally but human made drastic changes due to environmental pressure that selects the best to propagate like what we are now. We have developed so much skill that it has increased our survivability until today.
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 07, 2009 16:55:45

Dear umstudent,

I must apologise for the sudden outburst. I was too engrossed with other contributions that I may have confused along the way. Anyway just be careful what you read as there are many "professors" out there.

But I have to caution you that the theory of evolution (Origin of Species) by Darwin and later by all the credible naturalists, paleonthologist and anthropologists supporting him further is in contrary with the teaching of the Creation (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). So may choose to avoid reading it as it may not be good for your faith. But if you insisted, read them as a source of modern scientific knowledge and just explore other experts findings and theories.
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written by DontPlayGod, November 07, 2009 20:10:35

Rohani Hitam,

No, I am not the the least confused. I think you are. Religions like Islam and Chrisitianity says that God created the world and all things in the universe and all living things. But science says that the dinausors, and the Jurassic Age are 70 to more than a hundred million years old. But the human race, how old is it? Did God create the human race during the Jurassic Age(more than a 100 million years ago) which means Adam and Eve must be more than a hundred million years ago.

Is this possible? That means the human race is more than a 100 million years old, if we believe in God and creation. And how did we get to know of Adam and Eve if they came into being more than a 100 million years ago. But written records of history is only less than 5000 years old and the Chinese claim that their civilization is the oldest continuous civilization.
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written by Umar Rentaka, November 08, 2009 11:04:50

Dear Rohani Hitam,
have you read "Nature's IQ" by Balazs Hornyyanszky nad Istvan Tasi?
If not, please do get a copy or write to me.
svcdas@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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written by Umar Rentaka, November 08, 2009 11:10:00


for reviews of this book: Nature"s IQ
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written by Umar Rentaka, November 08, 2009 11:12:41

A Positive Contribution to Humanity
In scientific circles the theory of evolution is widely accepted as factual. Books like Nature’s IQ remind us, however, that it is only a theory, and a theory with serious drawbacks at that. Traditionally it has been difficult to explain how entirely new organs composed of parts that must be simultaneously present for their functionality could actually evolve. Although theories such as that of co-option attempt to account for these, they actually fall short, and end up sounding like so much storytelling in the name of science, with little factual evidence supporting them. Nature’s IQ shows that complex behavior often associated with new organs is also difficult to explain in an evolutionary way, and the book offers many, many colorfully illustrated examples.
It addition to challenging evolutionary conceptions and proposing a version of intelligent design, Nature’s IQ offers an explanation from ancient India’s vast collection of writings as an alternative. This is coupled with references to empirical studies consistent with the Vedic world view. Thus Nature’s IQ has more of a positive contribution to offer humanity than most literature questioning the viability of evolutionary theory.
The philosophical questions introduced at the end of each chapter for which an answer is promised in final chapter create curiosity and generate an interest to read further and are a nice touch.
I recommend this book to anyone seriously interested in science and the origin and meaning of life. —Christopher Beetle, Computer Science, Brown University
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written by Umar Rentaka, November 08, 2009 11:20:26

A Novel Contribution to the Intelligent Design Literature
Hungarian scientists Balazs Hornyanszky and Istvan Tasi offer a novel contribution to the intelligent design literature by extending Michael Behe's theory of irreducible complexity from biological form to biological behavior. Where did the mysterious instincts of animals originate? Nature's IQ.
The authors document more than 100 astonishing, unexplained phenomena from the animal kingdom, with 200 amazing color pictures. The authors point out how Darwinian "just so" stories fail to explain these irreducibly complex instincts and behaviors. This book is a valuable addition to any library for it's amazing photos of animal life and it's catalog of fascinating animal behavior regardless of whether you believe they were a product of random mutations and natural selection or a product of artful, purposeful design............
— Access Research Network
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written by carribeanking7, November 08, 2009 15:55:14

Does it really matter ? At one point some religionist opined the earth was flat.
Where we (Humanity) are going is infinitely more important thanwhere we have been, we bicker endlessly about yesterday and tommorow, while we do very little about the here and now.

desiderata - by max ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Vijay Kumar Murugavell
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 08, 2009 23:10:15

Hi DontPlay God,
"But science says that the dinausors, and the Jurassic Age are 70 to more than a hundred million years old. But the human race, how old is it?"
======================================================= =========================
Human evolved from hominid form to become homo sapiens. Between the hominid to homo sapien there were other evolving species like the autralophitecus africanus, homoerectus etc and finally homo sapien sapien and that is what we are. Our ancestors were separated from the other hominid (e.g primitive apes) some 3-8 million years ago and they too evolved on their own.

"Did God create the human race during the Jurassic Age(more than a 100 million years ago) which means Adam and Eve must be more than a hundred million years ago"
======================================================= ===========================
According to science there was no creator. Life started on earth 2 billion years ago from a simple cell and now we have diversification, thanks to evolution.The dinasaurs existed frome 250 to 60 million years ago while homo sapien is less than 1 million years. Sorry the dinasaurs had never got a chance to meet human as they became extinct 60 million years ago.

And how did we get to know of Adam and Eve if they came into being more than a 100 million years ago.
======================================================= ===========================
Sorry my friend the story of Adam and Eve appeared in the Jewish scriptures during 400 to 100 BC. Some jokers calculated the year tobe 4000BC. Science in not in the mood to buy the argument that there was Adam and Eve. They are just human creation trying to figure out how they exist. They have no access to scientific knowledge so you cannot blame them.
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written by Steven Ong, November 08, 2009 23:31:53

All the arguments and statements about creations and man shows that we are a lost tribe on a planet spinning since when, no one knows. From these, would we not agreed that science can explained how things work and hypothesize about others? And religion is all about morality and right living? The sciptures of all religions are just a moral story to teach us about living right. The scriptures are also a history of the people in the books. So Adam and Eve are just the ancestor of the people around the Middle East? The Jews and the Arabs are the descendents of Adam and Eve as the scriptures says. So there must be other Adams and Eves around the earth? These are some questions we can think of.

Evolution is just a hypothesis put forward by Darwin. If it is true then we are also evolving into a new creature as evolution theory teaches about constant transformation of the world. But do we look different from the time history was written? Not a bit. Do we need wings to fly as the birds? And what about all other living creatures? A dog is still a dog from the begining. Would one day a dog become a man? Why would a dog wants to remain a dog? If one were to look around, all living things existing today are perfect in their own ways. Can one improves any existing single thing? A dog, a cat or a banana tree? Nay........... improving the yeild or chaging the colours does not in any way change its original form. So Darwin's theory of evolution is just a hypothesis and not the truth.

To the atheist, all they believed is what they are and what there is. They just live, work to live and enjoy ,then they die. Its their faith sort of. So by faith we live and follows a set way of life as we think its right. We shouldnt be arguing about this and that, but to find ways that all agreed ,to live together peacefully and enjoy all the things there is together. By right, there shouldnt be any poor or hungry. And we are arguing and fighting each other to see who is right and selfishly oppressing and persecuting others to proves it. An evil and wicked generation indeed.
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 09, 2009 00:13:46

Hi Steve Ong,

I like your part of your last paragraph tha we should stop arguing and find ways that all can agree so that we can live peacefully. Infact that is what atheists think.

And you got all the knowledge on evolution all distorted. Dogs and bears come from the same ancestors 10 million years ago. So you never met them. We only know through the fossils we excavated.It takes many million years to achieve physical changes. So you never get to see in your lifetime unless you can live that long. Nothing is perfect in this world my friend. Changes take place both to the physical earth and the living organisms like human. How do we look in one million years time? Try to live that long and see for yourself.
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written by Aria, November 09, 2009 18:10:08

Malaysia is a multi-religious and multi-race country.Religion should not be part of politics. Politicians should not make decisions based on religion or race rather on what is right for the country. Politicians should not incite hate on another race or religion. Politicians should not suppress another race or religion, rather give help where it is needed. We are all Malaysians regardless of race or religion and should be treated equally.
Ultimately you will find that we were all created by one god.
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written by SamBall, November 10, 2009 01:49:33

Why worry about how it (life, earth etc..)started?

It will all end in 2012; according to the Mayans/science anyway.

OK, OK go watch the movie; just seen it, very real!
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written by partytrooper, November 10, 2009 03:30:37

can we talk about ufos now?
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written by JUST, November 10, 2009 05:19:25

If there is GOD, the KPI needs improvement

Justice must be served............
Evils shall subject to eternity of God’s retribution!

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written by Devoe, November 10, 2009 16:28:53

Religion is created by human itself. So why argue more?You can't change others' beliefs and so do them. Religion is teaches us in positive way. But I believe the existence of heaven and hell.
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written by Steven Ong, November 10, 2009 23:01:38

Dear Rohani Hitam,
You must be a believer in evolution? How do you know that dogs and bears comes from the same ancestor or man evolved from apes? From the fossils? The fossils are just the left over of existing live forms. If one sees a fossil of the one age and than the next age and concludes that since the fossils are quite similar minus this or added that, it must have evolved from the previous , its just a hypothesis. Since no one actually saw it, its just a hypothesis of the human mind. That is how they think that man evolves from apes. If that is true, then why are there still apes around? Or would one conclude that the unlucky or less intelligent apes did not evolved. There should be races that looks half like apes and half man. Why there isnt any? If evolutionist try to explain this . Its just another hypothesis.

If evolution is correct, then maybe the Indians evolved from the Chinese and the Malays from the Indians. Then the Moaries evolved from the Malays as they moves from north to south? Then our ancestor are one and the same? The Eskimos? Then we are all brothers and sisters. Why are we fighting? We listen to the devil too much maybe.
And if God created all , then why cant we all live together as equal and share all things? As all belongs to God. ?
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written by Rohani Hitam, November 11, 2009 05:03:18

Hi Steve Ong,

I am a bit sceptical whether to reply to you. Your understanding of paleanthology is so distorted that I don't think I can convince you in any way.

It is no surprise that you attacked evolutioninary theory in your own interpretation. Evolution is not what you have perceived. That is why you are attacking a distorted theory that is in the first place created by you. Creationists attacked the theory because it threatens the fundemental teaching of human origin - created by God.

I have mentioned previously that living organisms including human evolve at the pace you cannot detect during your lifetime. Biologically this is not possible. The body just simply cannot mutate so fast like what you see in movies. And it is not the same kind of evolutionary process that each species would undergo. The change may be accelerated or slowed down all because nature "selects" the best to survive and those unable to survive would become extinct and all the characteristics that the species has acquired for the last biilion of years will go to nothing. Examplethe dinasaurs.
Apes evolved without you knowing it. Their ancestors are common to today's human. These ancestors of theirs were more ape-like but do not look like modern apes. Modern apes cannot evolve into human because they have taken a different direction in the evolutionary process. You can turn the clock and try again and they may even look different than what you see today. It is a matter of chance and survivability. The environment can be more influencing like food, weather, habit and competition for food.

Read more on biology and paleanthology to understand the sientific work behind the study of human evolution. You need to free your mind from all the misrepresentation. Take the study of biolgy or natural science as a hobby and talk to university lecturers in biological sciences then you can appreciate the beauty of sciences. Your mind is presently too distorted to fully comprehend and only through positive sense of inquisitiveness can make the change. You must know that science has advanced too far for you to catch up. You asked how do we know that certain fossil belongs to which species and ancetors. Ask the expert.
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written by Nicole, November 11, 2009 11:13:41

It's easy...for those who believe in religious then go on with that and those who believe to this science then go on with your science world....we have our own beliefs and we free to choose what we want to believe. This article just want to give us the information, differences between Religious belief and this science theory. It is up to you, which one you prefer...
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written by lynn, November 11, 2009 20:33:54

Once a upon a time, there was this cocky, perpetually smiling born-again bigtime christian who happens to be a billionaire & a crony. He held a dinner in a posh upperclass restaurant in KL. His guests attended in the mistaken belief that he had some great idea(s) that night which would make them filthy rich. He told his envious guests something to this effect: he is a billionaire today because his God loves him more than He loved the rest in the restaurant! My friend who attended went out, called me after he/she puked! Now, how could God play favourites? How could this so-called almighty god gives preferential treatment or practise discrimination?

I told my friends, fcuk his God. The cocky asswipe offended a lot of people with that statement by saying God loves him most since he's a billionaire.

Years ago, my sister-in-law married the governor from one state in the US. My other in-laws commented, well, Wilma is now going to live in the governor's mansion! Together with round-the-clock security detail, servants, driver, blah blah. They consoled themselves by saying "we will live in God's mansions some day!" There are people who believe in that crap. Mansions in the sky. Pie in the sky.
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written by andray, November 12, 2009 11:26:03

How wonderful if you believe in GOd believe in you religion...and you are knowledgeable if you know the science theory.....Both will make your life complete.
Religious knowledgeable...

Malaysia's submarine scandal erupts in France

Murky arms deal linked to international pattern of kickbacks

Judges in the Paris Prosecution Office have been probing a wide range of corruption charges involving similar submarine sales and the possibility of bribery and kickbacks to top officials in France, Pakistan and other countries. The Malaysian piece of the puzzle was added in two filings, on Dec. 4, 2009 and Feb. 23 this year.

Friday, 16 April 2010 Super Admin

Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel

A potentially explosive scandal in Malaysia over the billion-dollar purchase of French submarines, a deal engineered by then-Defense Minister Najib Tun Razak, has broken out of the domestic arena with the filing of a request to investigate bribery and kickbacks from the deal in a Paris court.

Although the case has been contained for eight years in the cozy confines of Malaysia's courts and parliament, which are dominated by the ruling National Coalition, French lawyers William Bourdon, Renaud Semerdjian and Joseph Breham put an end to that when they filed it with Parisian prosecutors on behalf of the Malaysian human rights organization Suaram, which supports good-government causes.

Judges in the Paris Prosecution Office have been probing a wide range of corruption charges involving similar submarine sales and the possibility of bribery and kickbacks to top officials in France, Pakistan and other countries. The Malaysian piece of the puzzle was added in two filings, on Dec. 4, 2009 and Feb. 23 this year.

For two years, Parisian prosecutors, led by investigating judges Francoise Besset Francoise Besset and Jean-Christophe Hullin, have been gingerly investigating allegations involving senior French political figures and the sales of submarines and other weaponry to governments all over the world. French news reports have said the prosecutors have backed away from some of the most serious charges out of concern for the political fallout.

The allegations relate to one of France's biggest defense conglomerates, the state-owned shipbuilder DCN, which merged with the French electronics company Thales in 2005 to become a dominant force in the European defense industry. DCN's subsidiary Armaris is the manufacturer of Scorpene-class diesel submarines sold to India, Pakistan and Malaysia among other countries. All of the contracts, according to the lawyers acting for Suaram, a Malaysian human rights NGO, are said to be suspect.

With Najib having moved on from the defense portfolio he held when the deal was put together in 2002 to become prime minister and head of the country's largest political party, the mess has the potential to become a major liability for the government and the United Malays National Organisation. Given the power of UMNO, it is unlikely the scandal would ever get a complete airing in a Malaysian court, which is presumably why Suaram reached out to French prosecutors.

"The filings are very recent and have so far prompted a preliminary police inquiry on the financial aspects of the deal," said Philippe Vasset, the editor in chief of a Paris-based military intelligence website. "There isn't a formal investigation yet. The investigation will most likely use documents seized at DCN in the course of another investigation, focusing on bribes paid by DCN in Pakistan."

Vasset said police have confined their inquiry to bribery allegations so far and have not looked into the 2006 murder of a Mongolian woman in Malaysia who was a translator on the deal for Najib and his friend, Abdul Razak Baginda, during a visit to Paris.

There have been numerous deaths involving DCN defense sales in Taiwan and Pakistan. Prosecutors are suspicious that 11 French submarine engineers who were murdered in a 2002 bomb blast in Karachi – first thought to have been the work of Al Qaeda – were actually killed in retaliation for the fact that the French had reneged on millions of dollars in kickbacks to Pakistani military officers.

The Malaysian allegations revolve around the payment of €114 million to a Malaysia-based company called Perimekar, for support services surrounding the sale of the submarines. Perimekar was wholly owned by another company, KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which in turn was controlled by Najib's best friend, Razak Baginda, whose wife Mazalinda, a lawyer and former magistrate, was the principal shareholder, according to the French lawyers.

"Over the past years, serious cases have been investigated in France by judges involving DCN," lawyer Renaud Semerdjian told Asia Sentinel in a telephone interview. "This is not the first case of this kind that is being investigated. There are others in Pakistan and there are some issues about India. To a certain extent, every time weapons of any kind have been provided, suspicion of violation of the law may be very high."

As defense minister from 2000 to 2008, Najib commissioned a huge military buildup to upgrade Malaysia's armed forces, including two submarines from Armaris and the lease of a third, a retired French Navy Agosta-class boat. There were also Sukhoi supersonic fighter jets from Russia and millions of dollars spent on coastal patrol boats. All have come under suspicion by opposition leaders in Malaysia's parliament but UMNO has stifled any investigation. Asked personally about the cases, Najib has responded angrily and refused to reply.

Despite efforts to bury it, the case achieved considerably notoriety after the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a 28-year-old Mongolian translator and Razak Baginda's jilted lover, who participated in negotiations over the purchase of the submarines. By her own admission in a letter found after her death, she was attempting to blackmail Razak Baginda for US$500,000.

She was shot in October 2006 and her body was blown up with military explosives by two bodyguards attached to Najib's office after Razak Baginda, went to Najib's chief of staff, Musa Safri, for help in keeping her away from him. Not long after being acquitted in November 2008 under questionable circumstances of participating in her murder, Razak Baginda left the country for England. The bodyguards were convicted but no motive was ever established for their actions.

The submarine deal was never brought up in court during a months-long murder trial that was marked by prosecutors, defense attorneys and the judge working studiously to keep Najib's name out of the proceedings. A private detective hired by Razak Baginda to protect him from the furious Altantuya filed a statutory declaration after the trial indicating that Najib had actually been the victim's lover and had passed her on to Razak Baginda.

The detective, P. Balasubramaniam, said later that he was unceremoniously run out of Kuala Lumpur. He eventually emerged from hiding in India to say he had been offered RM5 million (US$1.57 million) by a businessman close to Najib's wife to shut up and get out of town. He also said he had met Nazim Razak, Najib's younger brother, and was told to recant his testimony.

In the current complaint in Paris, the issue revolves around what, if anything, Razak Baginda's Perimekar company did to deserve €114 million. Zainal Abidin, the deputy defense minister at the time of the sale, told parliament that Perimekar had received the amount – 11 percent of the sale price of the submarines – for "coordination and support services." The Paris filing alleges that there were neither support nor services.

Perimekar was registered in 2001, a few months before the signing of the contracts for the sale, the Paris complaint states. The company, it said flatly, "did not have the financial resources to complete the contract." A review of the accounts in 2001 and 2002, the complaint said, "makes it an obvious fact that this corporation had absolutely no capacity, or legal means or financial ability and/or expertise to support such a contract."

"None of the directors and shareholders of Perimekar have the slightest experience in the construction, maintenance or submarine logistics," the complaint adds. "Under the terms of the contract, €114 million were related to the different stages of construction of the submarines." The apparent consideration, supposedly on the part of Perimekar, "would be per diem and Malaysian crews and accommodation costs during their training. There is therefore no link between billing steps and stages of completion of the consideration."

As Asia Sentinel reported on April 1, services for the subs are being performed by a well-connected firm called Boustead DCNS, a joint venture between BHIC Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of publicly-listed Boustead Heavy Industries Corp Bhd, and DCNS SA, a subsidiary of DCN. Boustead's Heavy Industries Division now includes Perimekar as an "associate of the Group. PSB is involved in the marketing, upgrading, maintenance and related services for the Malaysian maritime defence industry," according to Boustead's annual report.

Originally Boustead told the Malaysian Stock Exchange that the service contract was for RM600 million (US$184.1 million) for six years, or US$30.68 million annually. However, the contract later ballooned to RM270 million per year. Boustead Holdings is partly owned by the government and has close connections with UMNO.

"There are good grounds to believe that [Perimekar] was created with a single objective: arrange payment of the commission and allocate the amount between different beneficiaries including Malaysian public officials and or Malaysian or foreign intermediaries," the complaint states.


written by casper, April 17, 2010 00:18:02

We haven't achieved anything, NOTHING, even with this revelation and interest that is currently making the rounds in Paris. However, it should be all our concern if Ghani Patail would take another look and hopefully make space for an appeal on behalf of the deceased and her family back in Mongolia.

And still, even more puzzling, the two UTK fellas have a date with the hangman BUT no MOTIVE was ever established !!!! To the Yang Dipertuan Agong, the highest official on the bench, No.1 Imam of Masjid Negara and IGP, the lot of you deserve to be spit on if this interest in Paris doesn't pique any of you just a teeny bit.

C'mon, time to bite the bullet and do what is right unless of course all your hands are just as tainted as that of Razak Baginda, Najib, Rosmah and Maslinda(she wasn't a woman wronged, being director and all).

If you have no part in the illicit Euro 114 million, why persist with the charade and make don't know while this caper has now been blown wide open ? JUSTICE FOR ALTANTUYA.
+9 ...
written by Obadiyah, April 16, 2010 23:41:53

I WANT TO BUY THE MOVIE RIGHTS !!! This makes an EXCELLENT script !!!
+10 ...
written by merchant222, April 16, 2010 23:25:44

Unfortunately, the MCA, MIC, GERAKAN bastards dare not say anything about the VAST CORRUPTION of BN because they are as I have implied....SELF-INTEREST, which goes to say they are involved in all projects or purchasing with their hands soiled with dirty money belonging to us all!

When are the people in HULU SELANGOR going to wake up??? I think they are from the kampong style mentality and as Najis just said then, "Pakatan BORROWED from BN to run that constituency".

So, he knows pretty well that these kampong fellas can be fooled. Ha! Ha! Ha!....HULU SELANGOR; ARE YOU FARKERS DAMN DUMB or PLAIN DUMB, I ask.

Bodoh Cina-kui, Bodoh India dan Bodoh punya Melayu if you vote BN! PhhTUI!
+19 ...
written by merchant222, April 16, 2010 23:13:52

But of course, Perimekar just passed the buck to BasTEAD Holdings group because they are "owned" by LTAT (Lembuggers Tabong Angkatan Tentera?) and as the Defence Minister has the avenues and power to "churn" the deal to Baginda's advantage.

So, when 'Tan Si' Wok (you may ask who the farks is that) has to take over the burden, BUT OF COURSE, has to mark- up further to cover the toilet bowl and BUT OF COURSE, the Defence Minister will surely allow.

Who are THE ASS-HOLES? THE TAX PAYING RAKYAT! Again and Again and Again, it is the RAKYAT who always lose.....the money that they pay in form of taxes. Only blind and self interest BASTARDS wil still vote BN, "THE RAPIST"
+15 ...
written by malgal, April 16, 2010 23:10:29

was that why our govt leaders have never expressed any condolences to altantuya's family for the sheer tragedy of her brutal murder?

+13 ...
written by storm62, April 16, 2010 22:51:29

There like i've said many times before, Najis don't dare to sue the French Liberation Front on this.

He have his balls squeeze by the French people. His photos will be splashed across the globe if he tries anything funny with France.....ha ha ha najis, you want to buy from Russia?....we'll expose you, ha ha ha.

This is the best news for this weekend, i guess more to come next week.
+15 ...
written by rastamasta, April 16, 2010 22:48:48

Well done Suaram!!!
+14 ...
written by Aduh, April 16, 2010 22:45:28

Before this najis together with his senior prime minister , the fatty had lots of time to woo Pakatan MPs and ADUNs to cross over to strengthen beEND .and to enable him, the najis to stay longer as pm. But that has become history. It is no longer his priority. His main and only focus now is how to avoid ending up in jail.
+14 ...
written by HJ Angus, April 16, 2010 22:43:20

Defense contracts are quite prone to corruption.
I can remember the Bofors scandal that happened way back when we had the first and only Indian as head of the Navy.
The basic problem is that defense contracts are supposedly TOP SECRET and I guess that even some bribes are not accounted for!
Let us watch as observe how efficient is the French justice system - they have caught ministers before.

+7 ...
written by AlwaysFair, April 16, 2010 21:59:37

Tak Malu!!!! International fame and shame!!!
+22 ...
written by Alice, April 16, 2010 21:44:08

This news keeps emerging again and again....... it never dies.....hehehe.Let justice prevail.
+23 ...
written by Aduh, April 16, 2010 21:38:44

najis and roastmah.
You must be dead scared and having sleepless nights now. And you must be shitting and peeing in your pants without you realizing it. Hope it gets worse by the day for all the cruelty you have done to mankind.

+35 ...
written by betasigma, April 16, 2010 21:27:46

what's next??najis n umno be end might hav to engage APCO's service to work in France next for millions paid with the rakyat hard earned money again????
+36 ...
written by philip25, April 16, 2010 21:19:35

Where in the world you have leaders taking a cut for equipment bought for rakyaat & country. They steal from the people. After all it now cost more for the taxpayer. May you and razak burn in hell when the time comes and both of you die a slow painful death for cheating the rakyaat.
+37 ...
written by arazak, April 16, 2010 20:06:08

Hello Jibby,

You think the Tel Aviv’s APCO can now clean up your tarnished image internationally?

You think with that RM70 million paid meeting with Obama could boost your rotten image?

“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten your bloody hand and you bloody bank accounts in Dubai, London and New York.” (this quote originally was Shakespeare, but I modified it to suit you).
+61 ...
written by justice seeker, April 16, 2010 18:42:19

A potentially explosive scandal in Malaysia over the billion-dollar purchase of French submarines, a deal engineered by then-Defense Minister Najib Tun Razak, has broken out of the domestic arena with the filing of a request to investigate bribery and kickbacks from the deal in a Paris court.

Although the case has been contained for eight years in the cozy confines of Malaysia's courts and parliament, which are dominated by the ruling National Coalition, French lawyers William Bourdon, Renaud Semerdjian and Joseph Breham put an end to that when they filed it with Parisian prosecutors on behalf of the Malaysian human rights organization Suaram, which supports good-government causes.

+79 ...
written by ganbing, April 16, 2010 18:31:24

This has all the elements of an action thriller movie starring Najib Razak, no?

+66 ...
written by educationist, April 16, 2010 18:19:23

Let's hope the French will do a better job unearthing the slimy and stinking aspects of this corrupt deal!!
Altantuya had paid with her life!!
malaysian court and police have not provided any closure for her family!!
Perhaps the French police can!!
+81 ...
written by Better My, April 16, 2010 18:04:42

This submarine scandal has the potential to blow up in Pm's face during the next GE.
Then it would be justice for the miseries that government has caused the rakyat.

Thrash ISA. Save Malaysia.
+78 ...
written by carlitos, April 16, 2010 17:47:01

We should start a petition and send to the Judge in Paris - Why France have to pay $500 to a company when a lot of Malaysian are still poor. France participation in that corrupt practice is denying Malaysian of better life.
+70 ...
written by kclim, April 16, 2010 17:41:37

ironically highly questionable clandestine deeds that seems submerged and unsinkable to Malaysia's iron clad corrupt leaders may now surface and be finally torpedoed in the long arm of a French court of law. Hope the French authorities expose and prosecute all the culprits involved on both sides of the shady arm deals. Vive la France !! Malaysia Boleh !!!
+81 ...
written by kevinD, April 16, 2010 17:33:46

+93 ...
written by cheekhiaw, April 16, 2010 17:14:46

"None of the directors and shareholders of Perimekar have the slightest experience in the construction, maintenance or submarine logistics,"


Who says no experience? Under them the whole country has gone underwater faster than the Scorpene!

+140 ...
written by Angela Ooi, April 16, 2010 16:58:03

Admiral Tojo, you have taken the words off my mouth. May she continue to give these 'natangs' hell till justice is done.
+70 ...
written by sandokan, April 16, 2010 16:57:44

+90 ...
written by batsman, April 16, 2010 16:54:22

Is the red boat following the Scorpene trying to put out the fire??? heeheehee
+48 ...
written by hellosunshine, April 16, 2010 16:50:41

It's good the French have started investigations and maybe prosecutions on the French side but on the Malaysian side, the umnoputra monkeys will say "See no evil. Hear no evil. Speakee no evil." Until after GE13, that is. Just you wait, Najis and his lanuns.
+98 ...
written by Fart Fart Wah, April 16, 2010 16:43:18

Here come Altuntuya.....comes again round the mountain..round the corner..straight for the fat mama's ass and baginda razak's too....of course the quiet pilot...don;t forget...Najib...The ghost of Altuntuya never sleeps...fat mama!!!
+101 ...
written by Admiral Tojo, April 16, 2010 16:41:54

The Ghost of Altantuya continues to haunt Jibby and Rosmah. They have no shame and honor. Oh Shit!


Thursday, April 8, 2010


On 27 June 2008, Malaysia Today revealed that Israeli intelligence had penetrated Bukit Aman. Malaysia Today said, Izhak David Nakar served in the Israel Air Force and developed the intelligence system for the Israeli Defense Force. Ido Schechter is a captain in the Israeli Air Force. They are both behind PDRM’s computerisation program.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar claims Bukit Aman infiltrated by Israeli spies

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim continued attacking the government today over what he claimed was its infiltration by Israeli intelligence, by alleging in Parliament that agents working for Tel Aviv had worked as contractors in Bukit Aman Federal police headquarters.

In what seems clearly as an attempt to reduce the Barisan Nasional (BN) government’s credentials among conservative Muslims, Anwar claimed that Israeli agents have worked in Bukit Aman’s communications server room.

He claimed that the agents were working for Asiasoft Malaysia, a sub-contractor engaged by Master Plan Consulting Sdn Bhd to perform an upgrade of communication systems for the police.

Anwar named Police Director of Logistics Mansuri Zainal as the person who had made the allegation in a letter to the Home Ministry which was also signed by an unnamed Special Branch officer.

Anwar did not say how he obtained the information surrounding the allegation.

“On Nov 25, 2008, the then Home Minister was briefed at 4pm in the KLIA VIP room about concerns raised by the police, specifically, the logistics department and the special branch,” he told Parliament when debating the Supplementary Supply Bill.

“Then between November and December, a police report was lodged by the responsible police officers and investigated by one ASP Sairah. Then Sairah was transferred to Taiping and there was no news after that,” he said. -- The Malaysian Insider


The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) is in the process of computerising its operations so that it is better equipped to solve and reduce serious crimes such as Bloggers slandering the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife and whatnot.

Three companies have been short-listed to undertake this work -- Master Plan Consulting Sdn Bhd, System Protocol Information Sdn Bhd and D. G. Kom Sdn Bhd. But these three companies were given different phases of these contracts on condition that they all sub-contract the work to Asiasoft (M) Sdn Bhd.

Who are the people behind Asiasoft and how come they wield immense power in the police force? And what is the Israeli link? Let us examine the facts.

Master Plan Consulting Sdn Bhd (357303-V)

The company is owned by Raja Azlina Binti Raja Abdul Jalil (3 million shares) and Ahmad Firdaus Bin Abdul Halim (2 million shares). They are both Directors of the company. The company has RM26 million in assets and RM6.6 million in liabilities with a paid up capital of RM5 million.

System Protocol Information Sdn Bhd (603787-M)

The company is owned by Aswadi Anuar Bin Shamsudin (350,000 shares) and Mohd Supardi Bin Abdul Majid (150,000 shares). The Directors are Aswadi and Raziah Binti Sidek who share the same residential address and therefore could be husband and wife. The company has about RM2.3 million in assets and RM1.8 million in liabilities with a paid up capital of RM500,000.

D. G. Kom Sdn Bhd (87537-V)

The company is owned by Saki Almahdaly Holdings Sdn Bhd (6,075,000 shares), WYN Resources Sdn Bhd (1,215,000 shares), PFB & Anak-anak Holdings Sdn Bhd (405,000 shares) and Prodaya Sdn Bhd (405,000 shares). The Directors are Syed Abd Kadir Bin Ibrahim, Dato’ Mohammad Radzi Bin Salleh and Nor Azman Bin Abdul Karim. The company’s assets are RM26 million against liabilities of RM19 million with paid up capital of RM7.6 million.

Asiasoft (M) Sdn Bhd (150529-H)

The company is owned by Bees System Sdn Bhd (350,000 shares) and Asiasoft (Singapore) Pte Ltd (15,000 shares). The Directors are Toh Kian Hong (Singapore citizen), Lim Tze Kuang and Lim See Hui. The assets of the company are RM4 million against liabilities of RM1.8 million with a paid up capital of RM500,000.

Bees System Sdn Bhd (422358-V)

The company is owned by Lim See Hui (12,500 shares) and Lim Tze Kuang, Lim Mee Yoke, Lim Moi Lan, Lim Mooi Kim and Lim Mee Chin (who own RM2,500 shares each). The Directors are Lim Mooi Kim, Lim Mee Yoke, Lim See Hui, Lim Mee Chin and Seow Bee Ching @ Chee Bee Ching. The company’s assets are RM7.7 million against liabilities of RM4.8 million with a paid up capital of RM25,000.

Asiasoft (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Toh Kian Hong, the Singaporean Director of Asiasoft (M) Sdn Bhd, is also a Director of Asiasoft (S) Pte Ltd. The other Directors are Izhak David Nakar (Israeli), Ido Schechter (Israeli) and Shoshani Eliahou Moshe (Israeli with Singapore PR). The company is wholly owned by Asiasoft Global Pte Ltd.

Asiasoft Global Pte Ltd

The Directors of the company are Toh Kian Hong (Singapore citizen), Izhak David Nakar (Israeli) and Ido Schechter (Israeli). The shareholders are Toh and Top Image System Limited (Israel).

Top Image Systems Limited

You can read about the company in the following link: http://www.topimagesystems.com/

Izhak David Nakar (Israeli passport number 10902695)

Izhak David Nakar founded Top Image Systems Limited and served as Chairman of the Board and CEO from inception until May 2001. In 2005, he was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board and in this position is responsible for TIS’s strategic M&A activity.

Mr. Nakar served in the Israel Air Force from 1970 to 1987, where he led various large-scale highly technical development projects, including leading a development team that worked in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science from Bar Ilan University in 1982, and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University in 1984. Mr. Nakar is a recipient of the “Israel Defense Award,” bestowed annually by the President of Israel, for the development of high-tech systems in the field of intelligence for the Israeli Defense Force. He also received the “Man of the Year Award” in Business and Management (‘95-’96) in recognition of his business accomplishments and contributions to the growth and development of Israeli high-tech companies.

In 1998, Mr. Nakar founded NIR4YOU Capital, a privately held investment company specializing in early stage investments in high–tech companies. NIR4YOU Capital has 14 companies on its portfolio including: ForesCout, e-mobilis, TopGuard, Matearis, Video Codes, SundaySky, Secur DI, MomSense, etc. Three of the 14 companies were sold to large enterprises, including SAP and Microsoft. In 2004 Mr. Nakar was elected as a Board member of the Israel-Japan chamber of Commerce.


Ido Schechter (Israeli passport number 56626252)

Dr. Schechter has been with Top Image Systems Limited for 9 years and is serving as the Company's CEO since January 2002. Prior to that, Dr. Ido Schechter was the Company's Vice President of Sales and Marketing from August 1996. From January 1995 until August 1996, Mr. Schechter served as General Manager of Super Image, an affiliate of the Company; which operates a form processing service bureau.

From August 1993 to December 1994, Mr. Schechter oversaw the start-up of automatic form processing services at Israel Credit Cards, Ltd. From 1991 to 1993, Mr. Schechter was a research scientist at the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario, Canada. Mr. Schechter is the recipient of eight Honors and Scholarships, has published or presented more than twenty-five articles and is a Captain in the Israeli Air Force. Mr. Schechter received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Plant Physiology from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada and his B.Sc. from the Hebrew University in Israel.
